
Comfort Food at its Finest

Tonight's dinner was something I've been excited about all week.  I'm not usually one to toot my own horn and most of my dinners are good, but not anything, like, amazing, but dammit, I can make a good meat ball. A long time ago I had some amazing quality grass fed beef that I got on… Continue reading Comfort Food at its Finest


Chicken ‘n Taters

This week seems to be dragging on and on and on...it's gotten progressively better as each day went by, but only a tiny bit each day.  I wanted something yummy but not too heavy for dinner. Tonight's dinner is baked chicken, skillet fried potatoes, and roasted broccoli and zucchini.  I wasn't feeling roasted potatoes again… Continue reading Chicken ‘n Taters


Basically the same meal, just reworked…

It's been another on edge night tonight, but thankfully not as bad as last night.  My little one, who I'd been waiting to decide he was done with school, seems to be doing just that now and we've fought with him on homework all night.  Fortunately, this seems to be a good week for the… Continue reading Basically the same meal, just reworked…


I, thankfully, have an amazing husband and got to go to sleep right after dinner last night while he took care of homework and baths and everything all on his own.  I slept almost twelve hours and woke up feeling a ton better.  Today hasn't been the best for me, but I was able to… Continue reading


It’s Friday, We’re Having Pizza

It's been the worst week, but I had an amazing day with an amazing friend.  We made art painting pottery and ate lunch at an incredible tiny little hole in the wall, and above all, we got to be people with one another again.  We've been friends since we were little and we both became mothers early in life.  When… Continue reading It’s Friday, We’re Having Pizza