
Fudgey Peanut-butter No-Bakes

My friend and I are going to be spending the day in the Fort Worth Botanic gardens today and as a surprise, I made something that we used to love when we were little: Fudgey Peanut-butter No-Bakes! These are literally the easiest cookies...candies?  Treats to make.  And they are so. good. I'm so excited to share… Continue reading Fudgey Peanut-butter No-Bakes


The Cake is a Lie

My little one's sixth birthday party is today.  He is obsessed with Portal, the only game he's been allowed to play...and, may I add, a game he has mastered.  I'm still impressed that he was able to finish the entire single player campaign almost entirely on his own at his age.  We thought that ten weeks away… Continue reading The Cake is a Lie


Best Chocolate Chip Cookies

It's the first day of school and my youngest started Kindergarten today, so naturally I'm comforting myself by making cookies.  Chocolate chip cookies, to be exact.  I love cookies and rarely come across one I don't like, but there's always just something about fresh chocolate chip cookies.  Chewy, gooey melted chocolate chips, sweet and delicious.… Continue reading Best Chocolate Chip Cookies