
Motherhood is:

For me, motherhood is draining.

Motherhood is unappreciated.

Motherhood is packing your children wholesome lunches every day only to have them come home with them uneaten, declaring that they suddenly don’t like <insert food they’ve literally always liked> anymore.

Motherhood is homework.

Motherhood is Googling how to do homework.

Motherhood is taking an hour out of every day to cook a meal that half the family won’t touch.  Even when it’s pizza with ‘brown spots’ in the cheese.

Motherhood is trying to teach your child relaxation techniques when he’s stressing too much about his homework, only to end up exploding at him because he refuses to listen or even try something as simple as closing his eyes.

Motherhood is having a good day only to have it go to shit at five.

Motherhood is picking up everyone else’s dirty socks because you’ll be judged if you don’t wash them send them to school in dirty socks, even though the rule is ‘if it’s not in the hamper, it doesn’t get washed.’

Motherhood is work without a ‘thank you’….or an ‘I love you.’

Motherhood is sometimes an ‘I hate you.’

Motherhood is curating all of your children’s special creations from birth forward only to walk into the living room and see that the six year old has cut them all into tiny bits with scissors you didn’t know he had.

Motherhood is breaking up fights.

Motherhood is doors slammed in your face.

Motherhood is sacrifice.

Motherhood is lonely.

Motherhood is hiding in the pantry to steal a slice of peace.

Motherhood is only crying when your kids can’t see you.

Motherhood is so very hard.

Motherhood is a typical Wednesday night.


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